Befriend and Betray 2

Befriend and Betray 2

The hunt continues. This time, Alex Caine infiltrates both a Hong Kong triad involved in drug trafficking and a gang of skinheads recruited by an organization plotting to detonate a bomb in the capital of Canada. He discovers that his girlfriend, Shannon, with whom he has never discussed his job, actually does the same dangerous work as him. After being exposed by members of the Russian mafia, she dies at the hands of Henry, the mysterious criminal whom Caine then starts to pursue relentlessly. A few days before the horrifying shooting at Charlie Hebdo in Paris, Caine is recruited to be part of a team of experts assembled to find 18 dangerous individuals suspected of terrorist activities. This book offers a rare glimpse into the life of an elusive man who takes on the most dangerous criminals face to face, in the no-man's-land between crime and the law.

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About the author

Alex Caine

Alex Caine travaille comme conseiller dans les enquêtes sur les bandes de motards. Spécialiste de l'infiltration, il a travaillé pour la GRC, le FBI, l'Agence antidrogue des États-Unis (la DEA) et d'autres corps de police aux quatre coins du globe. À ce titre, il aide les forces de l'ordre à arrêter mafiosi, motards, membres des triades chinoises, pégriots russes et truands de tout acabit.


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