Falling For Henry

Falling For Henry

Kate Allen, a fifteen-year-old girl, travels back in time to the Tudor court of Henry VII. While there, she is mistaken for an absent Katherine of Aragon, and subsequently takes the place of the young woman positioned to become the first wife of the future king Henry VIII. In her present time, Kate has been dealing with drastic changes in her life; hence the journey into the past is a welcome relief. But gradually, she recognizes her own ability to adapt and learns to stop running from the things she fears, and embrace life, a decision that will make a difference to her in times to come.

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Sobre el autor

Beverley Brenna

Beverley Brenna is a Saskatchewan special education teacher who lives near Saskatoon with her husband and three sons. Her previous titles for children include Waiting for No One, Daddy Longlegs at Birch Lane, Spider Summer, and The Keeper of the Trees. Her previous young adult title, Wild Orchid, also from Red Deer Press, was shortlisted for a Young Adult Book Award from the Canadian Library Association, a Manitoba Readers' Choice Award, and the Silver Birch Award.

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