Putin: Game Master?



Putin: Game Master?

Putin: Game Master?

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Has Vladimir Putin become the master of the game? Why and how did the Russian President decide to attack Ukraine? Did he seek to prevent Ukraine from associating with Europe? Does he seek to reconstitute the USSR? Did NATO promise not to expand east after 1990? Is the Nord Stream 2 project the sinews of war? Is Ukraine's neutrality the only solution? Has Russia ever lost or won the war?... Based on the files of the intelligence services and official reports, Jacques Baud thus reviews the events of the recent history of Russia, which led to the war with Ukraine; it analyzes the various disputes between the West and Russia, and sheds light on the role that Putin plays today on the international scene. Colonial Jacques Baud is a former member of the Swiss Strategic Intelligence, a specialist in Eastern Europe and former head of Doctrine of the United Nations Peace Operations. Within NATO, he was involved in programs in Ukraine, including after the Maidan Revolution of 2014 and 2017. He is the author of several books on intelligence, war and terrorism, including Putin, Game master?, Governing by Fake News and The Navalny Affair, all published by Max Milo. This audiobook is read by a synthesized voice.

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Jacques Baud

Jacques Baud è colonnello capo di Stato Maggiore, ex agente dei servizi segreti svizzeri ed esperto di armi chimiche e nucleari. È stato, tra l'altro, capo della dottrina per le operazioni di mantenimento della pace delle Nazioni Unite a New York. È autore di numerosi libri sull'intelligence, la guerra e il terrorismo, tra cui i best-seller Gouverner par les fake news, Poutine, le maître du jeu?, Opération Z, Ukraine entre guerre et paix e L'art de la guerre russe, pubblicati da Max Milo.


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