The Most Beautiful Thing I Have Ever Seen
The Most Beautiful Thing I Have Ever Seen

The Most Beautiful Thing I Have Ever Seen

A little girl sees her mother’s fear when war comes to their home. Fear is replaced with hope when they board a huge, shiny airplane. When it lands, they are somewhere new, and slowly, it comes to feel like home. There are many new experiences, like the beautiful, fluffy snow. And the shrill school bell that reminds the little girl of the noises of war her family left behind. But with time and love, her family embraces their new life, and it is the most beautiful thing she has ever seen.

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Nadia Devi Umadat

Nadia Devi Umadat is a Canadian social worker of Indo-Guyanese heritage, born in Toronto. She has a Master's Degree in Social Work and a Graduate Diploma in Refugee and Migration Studies. As a Youth Mental Health Counsellor she supported newcomer and refugee families who had experiences of war, torture, crimes against humanity and genocide. Her writing is inspired by Syrian children during their initial stages of Canadian relocation. She lives in Toronto.


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